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OCR Worker Local Setup

Keep in mind that these are the instructions that were used during testing of the OnPremise/Master merge that happened

  1. Download Accusoft ImageGear  (it is NOT a service)
  2. Install it with the evaluators license
  3. Inside of appsettings.json set "RunAsService" to false
  4. Inside of App.config set
    <add key="AccusoftSolutionName" value="EFileCabinet" />
    <add key="AccusoftSolutionKey" value="0x50DBF8B0,0x898D16D1,0x6BBB80AD,0xD99D98D8" />
    <add key="AccusoftSolutionName" value="" />
    <add key="AccusoftSolutionKey" value="" />
  5. Inside of Program.cs inside of LoadWorkerConfiguration() comment out these two lines
    AccusoftSolutionName = InstanceSettingsManager.Get<string>(InstanceSettingEnum.FileOCRWorkerAccusoftSolutionName),
    AccusoftSolutionKey = InstanceSettingsManager.Get<string>(InstanceSettingEnum.FileOCRWorkerAccusoftSolutionKey),
  6. Test that all is well by performing an OCR
    • You will probably get a GdPicture error, that is expected, just continue