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Setup and Configurations

Connecting to UtopiaNuget

Link to UtopiaNuget:

Steps to setup pg_partman

Steps to setup partman ** Make sure you don't have the postgres service running on windows ** U...

How to run and Release Mobile

Debugging the iOS app: Set efcMobileApp.iOS as the startup project Pair the Mac by clicking t...

SonarCloud and SonarLint Setup Steps

Link your ADO account to SonarCloud  Go to the SonarCloud link and click "Log In" then "With A...

How to Run WOPI Validator Tests on O365

The WOPI Validator Tool allows us to make sure our endpoints conform to the WOPI protocol so we c...


How to setup AWS DMS: This is assuming the PostgreSQL DB is already created SETUP SCHEMA: A. G...

Previewer Setup for Local Environment

Use Docker To get the Previewer Up and Running: For local use Taken from Accusoft’s Try It link:...

OCR Worker Local Setup

Keep in mind that these are the instructions that were used during testing of the OnPremise/Maste...

Windows Services

Server Service: First, we need to publish the Utopia Project. After that we need to create th...

Setup/Configurations for Mac Mini

Connecting *You will need to be at our office or on the VPN to do this Download VNC Viewer M...

Office Addins Terminal Services Environment

With Terminal Services, the Office Add-ins don't always show up, despite being installed for all ...

Utopia Local DB Refresher

The Utopia local database refresher solution is located in the Utopia repo in the UtopiaLocalData...

Generating a DB Connection String

Locate the ConfigurationDataCreator solution in the Utopia repo Start the solution Create a...

How to Sign and Notarize a New Build for the Mac

I recently learned how to sign and notarize our build for the Mac Mini and will be documenting bo...

How to Renew a Certificate for Mac

To build and sign our Apple-product applications it is required for us to point the build towards...

Local Testing

Test Utopia local changes in Atlantis local Check that Utopia appsettings.json has:  "Env...