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Editing the Utopia Pipeline Postman Tests

  1. In Postman, export the collection and replace the file located at C:\Projects\Utopia\Utopia\Postman\Tests\Regression Test and create a pull request and get the necessary approvals.
  2. In Postman, export the environment variable (if any changes were made, if not, no need to re-upload it) to later upload it to the Azure Pipeline Library.
    *Once the new branch comes through and is approved, you'll want to then replace the environment file if needed following the steps below.  If not, skip to step #3.
    • (Currently Royce and Quinn have this permission.  If this changes, please update this document)  Go to Azure DevOps Utopia Library > Secure Files (
    • Find the Utopia Regression Tests - Staging.postman_environment.json secure file and delete it.  Then upload the exported file with the same name.
    • Edit the pipeline and edit the "Run Postman Tests" job.
    • Reselect Utopia Regression Tests - Staging.postman_environment.json in the "Secure File" field and save.
    • If you need to rerun the tests that failed due to an error, You will want to edit the Release instead and then redeploy it. 
  3. Once a Utopia Release is deployed, the pipeline will then run the postman tests automatically when Staging is released.  Check for any errors and troubleshoot if there are any.