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Editing the Utopia Pipeline Postman Tests

  1. In Postman, export the collection and replace the file located at C:\Projects\Utopia\Utopia\Postman\Tests\Regression Test and create a pull request and get the necessary approvals.
  2. In Postman, export the environment variable (if any changes were made, if not, no need to re-upload it) to later upload it to the Azure Pipeline Library.
    *Once the new branch comes through and is approved, you'll want to then replace the environment file if needed following the steps below.  If not, skip to step #3.
    • (Currently Royce and Quinn have this permission.  If this changes, please update this document)  Go to Azure DevOps Utopia Library > Secure Files (
    • Find the Utopia Regression Tests - Staging.postman_environment.json secure file and delete it.  Then upload the exported file with the same name.
    • Edit the pipeline and edit the "Run Postman Tests" job.
    • Reselect Utopia Regression Tests - Staging.postman_environment.json in the "Secure File" field and save.
    • If you need to rerun the tests that failed due to an error, You will want to edit the Release instead and then redeploy it. 
  3. Once a Utopia Release is deployed, the pipeline will then run the postman tests automatically when Staging is released.  Check for any errors in the pipeline and if there are any, you can see which ones failed by reading the report: