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615 total results found


Reliability and Stability

Past 30 Days Server Response Times You can use the following link to analyze this data over different time rangesAWSProd-Rubex - Microsoft Azure Average 50th Percentile 95th Percentile 99th Percentile

Tracking Element Visibility

React Solutions to Common Problems

This could be used for lazy loading (perhaps on the Node Tree View) The react docs have an article on useEffect has an example in the Examples of connecting to an external system section that has a code sample of how to detect if an element in on screen. I im...

Running Atlantis Front End in Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


Most of our engineers have run into issues when running Atlantis Front End locally. Some cannot even get the project to run, others experience extreme slowness, and others have tons of new files (.js and .map.js files) added all over the place and it's annoyin...

Engineering Training Topics

Training (Product Team)

useState useEffect useContext Bootstrap Grid System Queue Triggered Functions Previously Trained On GitHub Copilot - Last trained on 7/16/2024

Company Meeting Area - Zoom Room

Hardware Zoom Rooms

Company Meeting Area The company meeting area (north end of the 2nd floor) has been turned into a Zoom room to simplify the process of holding video conferencing meetings in that area.  To use this room, please schedule the room in the calendar just like you...

Removing Signers via API


Branch w/ POC  Utopia: GBSignixDeleteSignerAndFiledsPOC Removing signers via the API had several issues Required that we populate the signer with a valid email this is weird because after creating the transaction we are immediately removing them T...

Sequential Signing


WorkflowOrder The memberInfo (essentially the signer details) object has a workflowOrder property. This is a number than indicates the order in which signers receive emails to sign. If the workflowOrder is the same for multiple users, they will receive their ...

Showing the Signers Tab in SIGNiX iframe


AllowParticipantEditing When making GetAccessLink request, there is a property called AllowParticipantEditing. This needs to be set to Yes. While this would allow users to see the Signers tab, and thus, remove signers manually, it will also have some side ef...

QUERY: Get all nodes with actions from audit in a timespan

Audit Logs

select distinct public."DbAuditLogsToNodes"."NodeID"from public."DbAuditLogs"left outer join public."DbAuditLogsToNodes" on public."DbAuditLogsToNodes"."AuditLogID" = public."DbAuditLogs"."Id"where public."DbAuditLogs"."Date" > '2024-07-22 22:00:46.850768' and...


Migrations Partner Migrations

Partner Process Provision new container in blob storage account for migration Provision and distribute credentials to partner so they can SFTP files into blob container Partner uses SFTP client to upload all files to blob container Ideally, the files...

List Shard Sizes (and other details)

Atlantis Search Elastic Search

GET /_cat/shards?v&h=index,shard,prirep,state,store,node&s=store:desc

Fix Watermark Errors (Flood-Stage)

Atlantis Search Elastic Search This occurs when a node disk size has exceeded 95% (or whatever you've set the threshold to)

Search Shard Routing

Atlantis Search Elastic Search

Official ElasticSearch documention can be found here Additional Notes If the way we are storing documents per account starts leading the shards that are way too big, we could manage what shards different accounts are stored on in our own mapping table and sp...

Force Merge

Atlantis Search Elastic Search

Official ElasticSearch documentation can be found here Additional Notes We use the force merge API in the past, when we've had a very large account purged and needed to free up disk space more quickly than letting the cluster clean it up on its own in the ba...

Files Expired From Azure Storage Queues

Atlantis File Processing Incidents

QA did a mass apply that got out of hand, it ended up adding so many files to the file processing queues, that we had many files queued in file processing expire out of the queue after 7 days because file processing did not process them fast enough. Luckily, t...

Query Expired Time Triggers (AKA: Governance Settings)


SELECT count("Join2"."Id") FROM ( SELECT "Extent1"."NodeID", "Extent1"."AccountID", "Extent1"."Id" FROM "public"."DbTriggerToNode" AS "Extent1" INNER JOIN "public"."DbTriggers" AS "Extent2" ON "Exten...

Batch Worker Processing


TimeTriggerWorkerThreadCount The TimeTriggerWorker in the Batch Worker, processes expired governance settings. By default, it does this one at a time, but can be adjusted to process in a multithreaded manner by setting the TimeTriggerWorkerThreadCount app set...

Inheritance Behavior: Applies to all Items


The 'Applies to all Items' inheritance behavior does not work exactly how you'd expect. For folders (and other non-file nodes) Governance settings inherited with this behavior, the setting doesn't actually ever expire, so the expiration action will never occur...

Configure Function Timeout via App Settings

Azure Azure Functions

Typically, you configure the function timeout setting via the hosts.json file, however, you can also set in the configuration for the function app by setting a value for AzureFunctionsJobHost__functionTimeout. You can set it to -1 for an unbounded timeout. Re...

Files Didn't Finish Processing Because ElasticSearch DB Node was dropped

Atlantis File Processing Incidents

We had an incident close to when we migrated our ElasticSearch DB to Elastic Cloud, where we did not have replicas of our elastic search shards, and during regular maintenance (seriously, they said it was regular maintenance) they decided to remove a node from...