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Partner Process
  • Provision new container in blob storage account for migration
  • Provision and distribute credentials to partner so they can SFTP files into blob container
  • Partner uses SFTP client to upload all files to blob container
    • Ideally, the files are structured in the folders the same way they want them uploaded to Revver
      • If they are not though, the CSV files they upload, will need to have details around where to upload
  • Optional: Partner uploads CSV / JSON file to describe metadata fields
    • expected columns: name and type
  • Optional: Partner Uploads CSV / JSON file to describe metadata groups
    • expected properties: name of group, and names of fields
  • Optional: Partner uploads CSV files with structure and metadata to specific location in storage account
    • CSV will have specific columns for certain specific details (node id, desired revver path, blob path, metadata group ids, maybe others?) but all other headers will be metadata field values.
  • Partner uploads JSON file to a specific location to indicate they are done uploading all the data
    • Expected Properties: Import Type (match structure in Blob storage or get structure from CSV), email of Revver user to import them as (we will validate that the user is on the account)
    • Credentials should be revoked at this point probably
    • Migration function app should be kicked off to migrate all the data to Revver
    • Should we generate migration report?
    • When migration is complete blob storage container should be deleted
Work Estimate - 10 days for one engineer (probably want to double for unexpected things and distractions, could be tackled more quickly by a team)

*Note: use utopia API for creating things in Revver

Initial Setup

    • Source Code Repo
    • Build Pipeline
    • Release Pipeline
    • Creating Resources in Azure

Function App (this is a good candidate for a durable function like project hope)

  •  Startup
    • Configuration / Settings
    • where and how will we store mappings and auth tokens
        • can we just use blobs?
        • table storage might be a better fit for this
  • provision new blob container and credentials
  • trigger function for final json to start migration
    • should disable / remove SFTP credentials as well
    • get auth tokens
  • parse metadata fields csv and create in Revver 
  • parse metadata groups csv and create in Revver
  • parse all folder structure create in Revver 
  • Upload all the files
  • Apply Metadata 
  • ? Validate everything was uploaded ?
  • Delete the blob container and delete SFTP credentials (if not doing that at the beginning of the migration)
  • ? Migration Report ?
Additional Questions
  • Could this replace Pangea for Data Imports?
    • Yes, we would just need help them use an SFTP client
  • Could it replace Data Exports for Pangea?
    • No, but we should look at creating a more reliable tool for this
    • I think we could create a tool pretty quickly (especially if we have limited UI) that could do it more effectively and reliably though. All it needs to do is download folders and files.