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Removing Signers via API


Branch w/ POC  Utopia: GBSignixDeleteSignerAndFiledsPOC Removing signers via the API had severa...

Updated 2 months ago by Quinn Godfrey

Company, Benefit, & Other Information

Helpful Links

Map / Floorplan of Lehi Office:   Org Chart:

Updated 2 months ago by Russ Ingenbrandt

Company Calendar

Helpful Links

Company Events Calendar: Company Events, Meetings, Birthdays, and Holidays https://calendar....

Updated 2 months ago by Russ Ingenbrandt

FinOps Team

Company Directory

Name Can Help You With Russell Winfield SVP of Finance When you're ...

Updated 2 months ago by Russ Ingenbrandt


Migrations Partner Migrations

Partner Process Provision new container in blob storage account for migration Provision and...

Updated 2 months ago by Quinn Godfrey

QUERY: Get all nodes with actions from audit in a timespan

Audit Logs

select distinct public."DbAuditLogsToNodes"."NodeID"from public."DbAuditLogs"left outer join publ...

Updated 2 months ago by Quinn Godfrey

Showing the Signers Tab in SIGNiX iframe


AllowParticipantEditing When making GetAccessLink request, there is a property called AllowParti...

Updated 2 months ago by Quinn Godfrey

Sequential Signing


WorkflowOrder The memberInfo (essentially the signer details) object has a workflowOrder propert...

Updated 2 months ago by Quinn Godfrey

Changing the Replica Count

Atlantis Search Elastic Search

ElasticSearch Docs for this API can be found here PUT {index-name-here}/_settings { "index" ...

Updated 2 months ago by Quinn Godfrey

Company Meeting Area - Zoom Room

Hardware Zoom Rooms

Company Meeting Area The company meeting area (north end of the 2nd floor) has been turned into ...

Updated 2 months ago by McKay Christensen

Engineering Training Topics

Training (Product Team)

useState useEffect useContext Bootstrap Grid System Queue Triggered Functions Previously...

Updated 2 months ago by Quinn Godfrey

Load Testing

Legacy - JMeter: Integration and Load T...

We use JMeter to create and run load tests in Utopia. JMeter docs can be found at https://jmeter....

Updated 3 months ago by Bryce Holloway

Parameters and Variables

Legacy - JMeter: Integration and Load T...

Fundamentals: When performing load testing, it will be common to pass test specific information ...

Updated 3 months ago by Bryce Holloway

Creating Templates

Legacy - JMeter: Integration and Load T...

We've divided up the Templates folder into subfolders. There is one subfolder for each api contro...

Updated 3 months ago by Bryce Holloway

Creating Tests

Legacy - JMeter: Integration and Load T...

The 'Tests' folder is divided into subfolders to group different types of tests. Tests are diffe...

Updated 3 months ago by Bryce Holloway

Running Tests

Legacy - JMeter: Integration and Load T...

Tests should be run in CLI mode, see  ...

Updated 3 months ago by Bryce Holloway

Simple Overview

Legacy - JMeter: Integration and Load T...

General Process followed We created individual templates of every endpoint. We Created ...

Updated 3 months ago by Bryce Holloway

Test Modules

Legacy - JMeter: Integration and Load T...

General Information The purpose of our test modules is to create a completely finished, plug a...

Updated 3 months ago by Bryce Holloway

Load Test Results

Legacy - JMeter: Integration and Load T...

The following are links for load test results for our different environments Staging: https://lo...

Updated 3 months ago by Bryce Holloway

User Simulation

Legacy - JMeter: Integration and Load T...

I (Steve) am going to leave my thoughts on how to set up a user simulation test. If I am not pres...

Updated 3 months ago by Bryce Holloway