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Issues Sharing or Accessing Specific Nodes

Troubleshooting Steps For Technician:

Answer the following questions:

  1. Is it an issue with sharing or an issue with accessing?
  2. What error message populates when attempting to access/share?
  3. Does the issue persist if they attempt on ?
  4. Do they have permissions to view the item in question?
  5. Is it just one node or anything in the account?
  6. Are you able to replicate the issue in your own account on any nodes?
  7. If a sharing issue, does the issue persist if you share a child of that node you’re trying to share (if the node you are attempting to share is a cabinet/drawer/folder)?
  8. Does the issue persist in an incognito window?
  9. Does the issue persist for another user?
    a. If not, are there any differences between the failing user and the one that is having success that may narrow down the issue?

If all troubleshooting has commenced and the issue is still present, grab the following information for the escalated ticket:

  1. Provide answers to all of the above questions.
  2. Please provide the admin email and the account ID (pulled from the Utopia Instances section of their account in the Hub).
  3. Please provide the name of the node in question and its exact path in Rubex.