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Removing Signers via API

Branch w/ POC 

Utopia: GBSignixDeleteSignerAndFiledsPOC

Removing signers via the API had several issues

  • Required that we populate the signer with a valid email
    • this is weird because after creating the transaction we are immediately removing them
  • The fields for that user were still showing up, but they could be ignored, deleted (sometimes), or assigned to another signer.
Details from SIGNiX
We did find a way for you to do this with an AJAX call. If you know the ID of the signer (ie: P01, P02 usually the order of the parties in the transaction), you can make the attached call (substitute in DocSetID for the id and ofc, your credentials) to drop all of a user's tasks from a transaction and then drop that party out of the transaction.

Let us know if you have any questions.
TRANSACTION_SAVEDELTAS: Transaction_DropRole, DropAllTask

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SubmitAjaxRq xmlns="urn:com:signix:schema:sdddc-1-1">
		<Request>{"objectType":"Transaction_SaveDeltas","id":"SUB DocSetID","deltas":[{"objectType":"Transaction_DropAllTask","roleID":"P02"},{"objectType":"Transaction_DropRole","id":"P02"}]}</Request>

Alternative Approach

This is more than likely the approach we will end up taking.

You can just not send MemberInfo for a template signer, and you will get the same behavior as making the above API calls, but you don't have to populate a fake signer email just so you can remove the, but you will still have unassigned fields that show (but again, they can be ignored, deleted, or assigned to others signers).

This is more than likely the approach we will end up taking.