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Running Against Staging and Test Settings Description

DescriptionTwo ofImportant eachFiles


Two settingfiles control how the automated UI tests are run. 

  • testsettings.json
  • Constants.cs

A good practice would be to open these two files in theyour testSettings.Visual Studio IDE and pin them open. 



Browser Controls"testSettings": -{

Change truethese or falsevalues to controlmodify which browsersbrowser seleniumis willin attemptcontrol

 run:   // browser variables
    "testChrome": [true/false],true,
    "testFirefox": [true/false],false,
    "testEdge": [true/false],false,
    "testSafari": [true/false]false,

Change the endpoint for testing by modifying the comments below.

Note: 'storageType' is set to run0 thefor teststesting against (Note:a youlocal needcopy theof trailingRubex. slash andSet nothing'storageType' elseto behind1 thewhen basetesting url)against all other endpoints.

    // endpoint variables
    "hubUrl": "",
    //"targetUrl": ["https://localhost:44334/",
    //"storageType": 0,
    "targetUrl": ""],
 Url   of the hub, this is used for signing the test accounts //"hubUrl"targetUrl": "",
 How   long Selenium will implicitly wait before failing an action//"targetUrl": "timeoutInSecs"",
    //"targetUrl": 10,"",
 Automation   Files//"targetUrl": -"",
 S3   info"storageType": and1,

filepath to store any documents to be used by
For the testsmost part, these values remain unchanged.

    // file variables
    "baseDownloadsPath": "C:\\ProgramData\\EFC\\downloads\\",
    "baseFilePath": "C:\\ProgramData\\EFC\\automationDocs\\",
    "s3Url": "",
    "s3BucketName": "SanitizedSampleFiles",
    "s3ZipFileName": "",
    "s3AccessId": "AKIA2LJW7OCU3QZIVOGD",
    "s3Secret": "BOyi1Be0TLUK0ZlxQ1yBrHOJUuYNfF65UFRKE2KN",

For the most part, these values remain unchanged. Reducing the value of 'timeoutInSecs' from 45 to 30 may speed up testing (because failing tests will fail faster).

    // wait time variables
    "defaultFileInteractionWait": 45,
 "storageType": 0, Token used to sign the test accounts "testAccountSigningToken": "52812BA9-0ED7-4C19-A818-C9CE4B9A8849", Separate wait time for the role selector   "roleSelectorSearchWaitTimeInMS": 500,
 Where files downloaded from rubex will be stored   "baseDownloadsPath"timeoutInSecs": 45,
    "workflowTimeoutInSecs": 20,

    // other variables
    "verificationEmailAddress": "C:\\ProgramData\\EFC\\downloads\\"



using System;

namespace AutomatedUITests.Configuration.SharedConstants
    public static class Constants
        public static TimeSpan DefaultImplicitWait { get; } = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5);
        public static TimeSpan SmallImplicitWait { get; } = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0);
        public static TimeSpan MediumImplicitWait { get; } = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0);
        public static TimeSpan LargeImplicitWait { get; } = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0);

MaxThreadCount controls the number of tests that are run simultaneously. '2' is a good number. '3' is the maximum value to use.
HEADLESS_MODE = true; -> run againsta staging:
  1. Changebrowser. This results in much faster test runs.
    HEADLESS_MODE = false; -> run a visible browser. 

            public const int MaxThreadCount = 2;
            public const bool HEADLESS_MODE = false;

            public const string CABINET_PREFIX = "targetUrl"CABINET-";
     to       thepublic appropriateconst url

  2. string
  3. ChangeDRAWER_PREFIX = "storageType"DRAWER-";
     to       matchpublic theconst storagestring ofFOLDER_PREFIX that= environment"FOLDER-";
     (0       public const string FILE_PREFIX = "FILE-";

            public const string ADMIN_USER_PREFIX = "ADMIN-";
            public const string STANDARD_USER_PREFIX = "STANDARD-";
            public const string SHARING_USER_PREFIX = "SHARING-";
            public const string CUSTOM_USER_PREFIX = "CUSTOM-";
            public const string GUEST_USER_PREFIX = "GUEST-";
            public const string USER_SUFFIX = "";

            public const string GROUP_PREFIX = "GROUP-";

            public const string PROFILE_PREFIX = "PROFILE-";
            public const string TEMPLATE_PREFIX = "TEMPLATE-";
            public const string SALESFORCE_PREFIX = "SALESFORCE-";

            public const string MAIN_STRUCTURE_PREFIX = "MAIN-";
            public const string SEARCH_STRING = "-eFile";
     azure,       1public const string UNIQUE_SEARCH_STRING = "-rubex";



  • If tests are failing during account initialization, the storageType is probably the reason why