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Running Against Staging and Test Settings Description

Description of each test setting in the testSettings.json file:

Browser Controls - Set true or false to control which browsers selenium will attempt to run:
"testChrome": [true/false],
"testFirefox": [true/false],
"testEdge": [true/false],
"testSafari": [true/false]

Url to run the tests against (Note: you need the trailing slash and nothing else behind the base url)
"targetUrl": ["https://localhost:44334/" ""]

Url of the hub, this is used for signing the test accounts
"hubUrl": "",

How long Selenium will implicitly wait before failing an action
"timeoutInSecs": 10,

Automation Files - S3 info and filepath to store any documents to be used by the tests
"baseFilePath": "C:\\ProgramData\\EFC\\automationDocs\\"
"s3Url": "",
"s3BucketName": "SanitizedSampleFiles",
"s3ZipFileName": "",
"s3Secret": "BOyi1Be0TLUK0ZlxQ1yBrHOJUuYNfF65UFRKE2KN",
"defaultFileInteractionWait": 45,
"storageType": 0,

Token used to sign the test accounts
"testAccountSigningToken": "52812BA9-0ED7-4C19-A818-C9CE4B9A8849",

Separate wait time for the role selector
"roleSelectorSearchWaitTimeInMS": 500,

Where files downloaded from rubex will be stored
"baseDownloadsPath": "C:\\ProgramData\\EFC\\downloads\\"

How to run against staging:

  1. Change "targetUrl" to the appropriate url
  2. Change "storageType" to match the storage of that environment (0 - azure, 1 - S3)
  • If tests are failing during account initialization, the storageType is probably the reason why