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Remote Desktop Instructions

Connecting to the QA Windows Machines (QA1-6):

  • Open "Remote Desktop Connection"
  • Click "Show Options"
    • Computer:<remote desktop #>
      • For example: "" for QA 3
      • The QA PC's are numbered 1 - 6
    • User name: <your laptop's name>\localadmin
      • For example: AzureAD\localadmin
  • Click "Connect"
    • Password: qaRocks1!

QA 1 uses different credentials:

  • IP Address
  • Username: Work Email
  • Password: Work Email Password

Note: The new Mac is being set up and the new password is: qaRocks! (I really tried to push for the passwords to be the same, but apparently the reason it is different in the first place is the VNC Viewer requires that the password be 8 characters or less......) Also the new IP is

Connecting to the QA Mac:

  • Download and open VNC Viewer 
  • Go to File > New Connection
    • VNC Server: (may be, depending on whether the new Mac has taken over or not)
      • The old QA Mac is QA Machine #7
      • The new QA Mac is QA Machine #8
    • Name the connection something descriptive
    • Go to Encryption > Prefer Off
      • Prefer Off or Prefer On both work, just as long as it will allow an unencrypted connection
    • Press OK
  • Connect to the Connection you just created
    • Password: QARocks! (qaRocks! if on QA8)
    • This will bring you to the Mac's login screen
      • Name: qa
      • Password: QARocks!