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Steps to work in Pangea code and run locally

Here are the steps to be able to work on the Pangea code compiling and running locally

  1. Clone the Pangea Repo (here  is the link to it)
  2. Put this folder in the ../Pangea/Migration/Lib folder
    • (Note: There should now be 'Desktop', 'EFCO', and 'Utopia' folders in the 'Lib' folder. Also make sure that the Workflows.dll file is the only child of the EFCO folder you just added to Lib)
  1. Open Visual Studio and open the Tandoori Tool solution
    3.1. Navigate to branch 'pwilliams/serverDataAccessDllUpdate'
    3.2. Once this pull request goes through we can remove steps 3.1 and 3.2
  2. Build the entire solution (it will fail)
  3. Navigate to ../Pangea/Migration/Tandoori Tool/Tandoori Tool and open the 'efcKey.pfx' file
    5.1. Leave all the configurations as default, and when it asks you for a key the password can be found in 'sign_file.bat' which can be found in ../Pangea/Publishing
  • (we will be back here in later steps so keep this open in File Explorer)
  1. Clean and Rebuild the entire solution (it should build successfully)
  2. Now back in the ../Pangea/Publishing folder, edit the publish_base.bat so that the variable 'msbuild' looks similar to 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe'
  • (or wherever your Visual Studio is installed. The most important part is that this points to the MSBuild.exe file)
  1. You can now run 'publish_production.bat' and it should run to completion
  2. First time it will create an 'output' folder inside of ../Pangea/Publishing - navigate to Publish_Production
  3. You can now run the migration tool by running setup.exe
  • (first time it will need to download, just accept everything and continue. It will also say that Windows doesn't trust it but just run anyway)