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Simple Overview

General Process followed

  1. We created individual templates of every endpoint.

  2. We Created Modules for each Controllers set of endpoints, these should be self contained tests, with their own setup and tear down to allow for the endpoints to be ran. Some Modules use its own endpoints as part of the test, where one endpoint creates and later will delete.

  3. Full System tests. These tests are the User Simulation test and the Throughput Stress test. These tests incorporate many (if not all) modules/templates, and condenses them down to do proper setup and tear down for the entire test and not for individual modules/endpoints, with a few exceptions. The User Simulation test took the more "popular" endpoints or all the ones used in a given interval (I think it was within a months time) and used all those endpoints to simulate a regular load we would see in a given interval of time. The Throughput Stress test takes all known endpoints and calls them as many times as possible in a small interval window.

  4. We ran the tests against local, Dev and Staging (full production snapshot) environments. We ran them using both the JMeter GUI (considerably long run times) and the CLI methods with a few options also being set. We also used the CLI to generate a report or dashboard and had to create a manual filter on all the endpoints (removing all the setup and tear down pieces). So make sure to gather all the options (destinations folders, reporting files, test locations etc) before using the CLI to run the tests.

Steps to utilize tests

  1. Make sure you've downloaded all relevant software (JMeter etc) to load the tests in the GUI of JMeter or to use the CLI. This is also in our code C:...\Utopia\UtopiaTesting\3rdParty

  2. Find or create the test you wish to run. Can also be found

  3. Make sure all configuration items have the proper path (some actual tests may also need the proper path, however those should of all been made to a relevant path)
    Also make sure you have proper Username and Passwords in the files
    C:...\Utopia\UtopiaTesting\Resources\Test Data\CSV

  4. Make sure the test has the proper test Turned on/Enabled.
    This image shows "Delete User Settings" as disabled and "Delete Account Items" as enabled.

  5. a) If in the GUI make sure the test has "Result Items" like these:
    so that when the test is ran, data is collected and able to be viewed. These result pages can also be saved off to a file regardless of the test being ran through the GUI or CLI.

    b) If using the CLI a statement like:
    jmeter -n -t C:\...\Utopia\UtopiaTesting\Tests\LoadTests\ThroughputStressTest.jmx -l C:\...\StressTestResport.csv -j C:\...\StressTestLog.log -e -o C:\...\ComprehensiveTest
    this statement has several options, a few of these options are: where the test is, whether to have a log file, where the log file should save to, and where the dashboard should be saved to. Look up JMeter CLI run Options to find out more details.