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3. Collaborative / Team Interview


  • Will this person fit into our team culturally
  • Do they seem to have the skills you would hope for in a senior engineer

Who is in this interview?

  • 3 or 4 people
  • Brock and / or Logan
  • Bryan, Rachel, Josh
  • Eric


  • Introduce each person interviewing
  • Have Interviewee introduce themselves

Feature walkthrough

  • Show a mock up of {insert here} and walk through design
  • Explain high level architecture
    • Web app (react), App Server (c# backend), Postgres DB / relational db
  • Questions to ask after design walkthrough
    • What pieces of work need to be completed to implement this design?
    • What challenges do you anticipate with implementing this design?
    • and others

General Questions

  • In you experience working w/ component library, what has gone well what hasn't?