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2. Technical Interview


  • "What is your passion, what do you enjoy working on the most?"
  • "What does your current/previous work-day like?"
  • "Describe the project you've worked on that you're most proud of. What did you do that worked out particularly well?” (Tells us a lot about what they know, value, and have done on teams)
  • “Describe the project you've worked on that you're least proud of. What would you do differently?” (Tells us a lot about how good they are at learning from their mistakes and how difficult it is for them to admit they made a mistake)

Pair Programming

White Board

reference: (in particular video on facebook messenger app design)

Text Messaging App (like Facebook Messenger)

  • Requirements

    • Two users need to be able to send messages to each other back and forth
  • Other details

    • date and time of each message
    • who sent each message

How would you design the database to store required data?

  • in Postgres / relational database?
  • would it look and different in CosmosDB / NoSql db?

Requirements to add and see how db design changes (perhaps design it out in sql with all requirements and then see difference in design for no sql)

  • Name a conversation
  • show if a user is online or not
  • add more than 2 users to a conversation

Architecture and Technical Goals - Interviewers can draw a simple architecture of users => load balancer => api servers => db - they can add to the architecture if needed

Low Latency - what are some strategies you could use to make sure users get new messages quickly? - try and get them to give pros and cons of each strategy - short polling (pulling data periodically) - long polling (server holds request until response is available) - web sockets (signal r, for server to client communication)

  • High Volume
    • What are some strategies you could implement to handle really high volume? and how will each help with handling that high volume?
      • db?
        • no sql, how?
          • partitioning data correctly so load is distributed across many partitions
        • caching?
          • less traffic to the db
      • api
        • serverless functions
          • better scalibility
  • Reliability
    • What could you do to make the system more reliable / robust?
      • queueing system (azure storage queues, rabbit mq)
        • more responsive api server
        • throttle database load
      • publisher / subcriber
        • push model to allow services / users recieve updates in real time and not add load to system to see if anything is available
        • event grid