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SQL Scorecard

SQL Scorecard

Qualification Criteria


What We’re Looking For

Path to Authority

Is the person joining the first sales call on the buying committee? (RACI chart)

For outbound, did your discussion qualify the contact would either: 

  • Reasonably be on the buying committee (i.e. have they purchased software in their org before, is their internal role/ function - not just title - at a level that would indicate this) 

  • OR have influence to the potential buying committee and can reasonably generate interest to a decision maker

  • Qualification: did the BDR “dig in” to understand and validate (vs. “information gathering”)

  • Capture: did the BDR accurately capture the discussion had with the prospect in their SQL information


Is there pain/ needs/ goals that align to our product offering? (organization, findability, collaboration, security & governance, automation)

Is their primary need in this category? (for example, if their main need is lowest pricing, the BDR will want to identify one of the areas of need in their conversation that is compelling enough to warrant a further conversation to qualify)  

  • Qualification + primary need understanding

  • Capture

Timeline to Evaluate

Are they currently in an evaluation?

If so, what is their timeframe to begin the evaluation in earnest (vs. simply “starting to research”)

*Outbound does not require timeline to evaluate, but best practice should capture if their need is a priority to solve within the year

  • Qualification

  • Capture

Additional SQL Approval Questions

  1. Should the BDR still schedule with the AE if a qualification conversation occurred, but criteria is murky? (For example, when asked the timeline to evaluate, the prospect was cagey about defining or specifying.)

  • Yes! In the case that the criteria is in a “gray area” or BDR was unable to capture 1 out of 3 areas, set the appointment. 

In this scenario, we will be reviewing:

  • Did the BDR have a discussion with the prospect in this area and ask good qualifying questions?

  • Did the BDR prepare the AE with this information and accurately capture the discussion?

  • Did the AE conversation with the prospect in this area align with the information from the BDR? (For example, if BDR was unable to capture timeline and the AE determined they did not have a timeline, the SQL may be marked unqualified) 

  1. What happens if the information captured by the BDR was correct and they asked qualifying questions, but the prospect responses changed on the call with the AE? (For example, BDR confirmed they are on the buying committee, but AE discussion showed there is no path)

  • Yes, this would be an SQL as long as we can confirm capture & qualification was completed.