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There is a specific url route for every page and tab within a page in Atlantis. Each has a specific url route. When needed, we also have routes for specifc states of a view or tab.

For example, when viewing a document request you are taken to the document request page, with the Inbox tab selected, but the content that is shown is not the inbox but instead, the document request to be completed. There is also a third state of the inbox tab creating a new document request.

The url routes for each of these states in this example are as follows:

  • /docrequests
  • /docrequests/inbox
  • /docrequests/new
  • /docrequests/inbox/:id

Where is routing setup?

In the app.tsx file there is a LayoutRoutes function component. In it, all the different routes in the app are defined.

You will notice that we verify the logged in user has permission to go to the route before we actually add it. This ensure that they will be taken to a not found page in the case they are accidentally routed somewhere they shouldn't have permission to.

In the LayoutRoutes component routes have been grouped by the page they are on.

In the app component (also in app.tsx) you will also notice that we do not render the layout route components until the logged in users account settings and system permissions have been loaded to ensure routes are not rendered until we can validate if they have permission to navigate to a specific route.

RoutePath enum

In the RoutePaths.tx folder there are many enums related to routed. 

The RoutePath type represents each and every route that can be navigated to in Atlantis. The RoutePath type is actually not an enum, though in usage it operates as one. It is a defined type and is actually a concatenation of many enum types.

How do I route to a specific location?



How do I add a route?