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Events and Listeners

Events are typically handled using React's useEffect hook.


React has a tutorial as well as documentation that can be found here.

Use effect allows you to run a function every time a state or context property changes.​

The following example will run a function every time the user object is updated,

useEffect(() => { if (!!user) { // do something here } }, [user]);

Lifting Up State

In some cases, you may not even need to use useEffect.

You can lift up state as described in this article.

When a parent component is controlling state, and passing in handler functions as props to children components, may eliminate the need for an event altogether.

Window Event Listeners

We use window.addEventListener is several places. For example, listening for posted messages from the Utopia iframe or listening for resize events to know when we the screen size has reached a new bootstrap breakpoint. Functions that run as callbacks for these event listeners cache state variables, so you can do a couple things to account for this.

  1. Re-setup the event listener every time a state variable changes


    useEffect(() => {
        window.addEventListener('resize', onScreenResized);
        return () => {
            return window.removeEventListener('resize', onScreenResized);           
    }, [screenSize]);
  2.  Use the functional version of the setter to get the current value of the state variable


    setScreenSize(currentScreenSize => {
      if (currentScreenSize != newScreenSize) {
        return newScreenSize;
      else {
        return currentScreenSize;

The top answer to this stack overflow question describes some the different ways you can account for this.