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Files Were Not Being Sent to File Processing

We had an incident where files were not sent to file processing for about 1 hour. We wrote a PostgreSQL query to get all the required details (that are required for sending to file processing) as a JSON array for the files uploaded in that time period, saved the JSON array in a file, then queued them one at a time just using a C# console app.

PostgreSQL Query
select json_agg(
	'NodeID', public."DbNodes"."Id",
	'AccountID', public."DbNodes"."AccountID",
	'AccountIdentifier', public."DbAccounts"."Identifier",
	'FileInfoID', public."DbNodes"."FileInfoID",
	'FileSize', public."DbFileInfoes"."SizeInBytes",
	'FileIdentifier', public."DbFileInfoes"."FileIdentifier",
	'CreatedByUserID', public."DbNodes"."CreatedByUserID",
	'FileName', public."DbNodes"."Name",
	'EncryptionVersion', public."DbFileInfoes"."EncryptionVersion",
	'TryCountRemaining', 3))
from public."DbNodes"
left outer join public."DbAccounts" on public."DbNodes"."AccountID" = public."DbAccounts"."Id"
left outer join public."DbFileInfoes" on public."DbNodes"."FileInfoID" = public."DbFileInfoes"."Id"
where public."DbNodes"."Id" in (
	select "NodeID" from public."DbAuditLogsToNodes" where "AuditLogID" in (
		select "Id" from public."DbAuditLogs"
		where public."DbAuditLogs"."ItemType" = 0
			and public."DbAuditLogs"."ActionType" = 100
			and public."DbAuditLogs"."Date" > '2024-06-10 16:50:00.00'
			and public."DbAuditLogs"."Date" < '2024-06-10 17:53:00.00'))
C# Code from Console App

I put breakpoints where the comments indicate, so I could manually retry when errors occured (which did happen several times due to 429 errors w/ Cosmos)

using ConsoleApp1;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Text;

using HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var nodesToProcess = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IndexOCRInput[]>(File.ReadAllText(@"path to file with JSON data"));
foreach (var node in nodesToProcess)
        string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(node);
        var httpContent = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

        string url = $@"{node.AccountIdentifier}/node/{node.NodeID}/index?code={app key here}";
        var response = await client.PostAsync(url, httpContent);
        if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            var v = ""; // put a breakpoint here

        await Task.Delay(100); // this may not be needed if there is not much traffic
    catch (Exception ex)
        var w = ""; // put a breakpoint here

var s = ""; // put a breakpoint here

/* Classes for Main Method to Function */

public class IndexOCRInput
    public long NodeID { get; set; }
    public int AccountID { get; set; }
    public Guid AccountIdentifier { get; set; }
    public AccountFeatureEnum AdvancedOcrAccountFeature { get; set; } = AccountFeatureEnum.AccusoftOCR;
    public PermanentFileStorageTypeEnum AccountStorageType { get; set; } = PermanentFileStorageTypeEnum.AWS_S3;
    public EncryptionVersionEnum EncryptionVersion { get; set; }
    public long FileInfoID { get; set; }
    public long? FileSize { get; set; }
    public string FileIdentifier { get; set; }
    public long CreatedByUserID { get; set; }
    public string FileName { get; set; }
    public int TryCountRemaining { get; set; }

public enum AccountFeatureEnum
    FullUserLicense = 1,
    GuestUserLicense = 2,
    Governance = 3,
    FileStorageSize = 4, // Specifies the storage size limit
    FileVersioning = 5,
    Templates = 6,
    CheckInOut = 7,
    AccusoftPreview = 8,
    //SideKickLicense = 9,
    //MobileAppLicense = 10,
    ZonalOCRLicense = 11,
    AccountTemplateFeature = 12,
    FullTextSearch = 13,
    PersonalProviders = 14,
    DocumentRequests = 15,
    GovernanceLock = 16,
    AccusoftOCR = 17,
    Workflow = 19,
    Salesforce = 20,
    ItemStatus = 21,
    EnterpriseSecurity = 22,
    GovernanceUnlock = 23,
    Branding = 24,
    GuestUserPreview = 25,
    FilePassword = 26,
    GuestUserSearch = 27,
    ConcurrentLicensing = 28,
    EmailFiles = 29,
    BetaAccount = 30,
    Records = 31,
    SSO_SAML = 32,
    EmailImport = 33,
    PreviewerImageStamps = 34,
    ESignature = 35,
    DualScreenPreview = 36,
    ESignatureKBA = 37,
    ESignatureOTP = 38,
    AnonymousAccessLinks = 39,
    SearchReports = 40,
    Watermark = 41,
    Reporting = 42,
    FormFill = 43,
    PriorityOCR = 44,
    O365 = 45,
    WorkflowStepsPerWorkflow = 46,
    AbbyFineReaderOCR = 47,
    //LDAP = 48, //LDAP may have already been issued in the hub, so don't reuse this number and if we need to re-key LDAP, just use this number
    EssentialsUserLicense = 49,
    PublicShareSearch = 50,
    ComplianceUserLicense = 51,

public enum PermanentFileStorageTypeEnum
    AzureBlobStorage = 0,
    AWS_S3 = 1,
    Local = 2,

public enum EncryptionVersionEnum
    UtopiaV1 = 0,
    LegacyDesktop = 1,
    None = 3