version: "3.8" services: loadbalancer: image: "pdftron/wv-loadbalancer:latest" # For providing a SSL key. Mounts the directory named SSL and expects a combined_key.pem to be present. # volumes: # - ./ssl/:/etc/ssl/default/ environment: # used if you wish to replace the SSL port with another HTTP port # bind '8051' in your ports to use this port # effective for a situation where HTTPs is handled by another entrypoint DISABLE_SSL: 'false' # used if the anonymous annotations feature is being hosted on a server other than # the one which processes PDFs INITIAL_NODE_A: pdfd-tomcat #INITIAL_NODE_B: pdfd-tomcat1 #INITIAL_NODE_C: pdfd-tomcat2 # Sets a URL prefix for the server URL_PREFIX: # Enables management from tcp socket 4893 # Do not enable unless your server is secure from external access # Add 4893:4893 to the ports section if using this ENABLE_TCP_MANAGEMENT: 'false' ports: # Sets the port to bind the internal 8090 port to. Follows the pattern # external:internal (80:8090). Internal port must either be 8050 or 4430. # Non ssl access - 8090:8050 # SSL access - 8443:4430 # Port for TCP management - 60001:60001 restart: always pdfd-tomcat: image: "pdftron/webviewer-server:latest" # If performing SSL directly from tomcat, replace the keys in the tc_ssl folder with your own. # This can be left alone if using the load balancer, or handling ssl with any other service. # volumes: # - ./tc_ssl:/usr/local/apache-tomcat/conf/ssl # uncomment this and place any self signed certs your network will use inside of this folder locally # - ./external_certs:/certs # uncomment to map the static data directory to a drive outside the container # just replace my_external_static_data with the desired externally mapped folder. # - /files/my_external_data:/usr/local/apache-tomcat/static_data # uncomment to map local data directory to external_resrouces # just replace the local/path to data directory on local file system # volumes: # - local/path:/usr/local/apache-tomcat/external_resources ulimits: nofile: soft: 64000 hard: 64000 environment: # More info about these arguments can be found at: # # Place your PDFTron key in this argument. TRN_PDFNET_KEY: 'eFileCabinet Inc.:OEM:Revver::B+:AMS(20240212):8B64F5BCE66F7F6F14C0BA591225EE08600DC24E55F95496B47444CBAE2A4135F5C7' # If set to true, tomcat will include the demo app at localhost:port/demo?s INCLUDE_DEMO: 'true' # Normally the cache cleanup is triggered once there is less than 1Gb # of space remaining on the partition, at which point files that have # not been accessed recently are wiped from the cache. # The following two settings override this behaviour. See here for more information. # # TRN_MAX_CACHE_AGE_MINUTES: 0 # Cached content will be cleaned up until the cache occupies less space # than this limit # TRN_MAX_CACHED_MB: 0 # Control the cookie WebViewer Server checks for user stickiness. TRN_DEBUG_MODE: 'false' TRN_DISABLE_VALIDATION: 'true'